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Locator attaches leads to transformer
Book a Utility Locate
Know Before You Dig Locates LLC_Logo__Solid Copper New.png

Please provide us with your contact and work site information.


Fill the form with as much information as possible for us to estimate the time needed to locate your work area. All fields with an * must be filled out to submit.


Are you an existing client?
How will you be paying?

(Invoice will be emailed to email address above.)

Please note that a credit application will take some time and we will not mobilize until credit is approved. 

Check all utility locate services required:
Do you require a cost estimate for this work?

We will respond with a cost estimate within 24-hours. If your request is urgent, please give us a call.

Will you have the 811 locate reports avaliable at the time of our visit?

We are not a substitute for 811 locates. We will verify them and locate the privately-owned buried facilities in your work area. 

Have you whitelined the work area?

If you have not white lined the work area, please upload a site drawing and describe the work area.

Upload File
Upload Any Utility Records for the Work Site

If utility records exist for privately-owned buried facilities, you must either upload them here, or have them available for the Utility Locates Field Technician during the site visit. 

It is important that you read and acknowledge our Billing Structure and Fees as well as our Terms and Conditions for our utility locates services. We are happy to answer any questions you may have:

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